By John Gunnell
Vintage Trailer Fest attracts “tin can tourists”
“Tin Can Tourism” was a term coined to depict the down-on-their luck Americans who took to the highways to seek work during the Great Depression of the 1930s. They traveled from one city to another often living in their boxy cars or pulling “boxes-on-wheels” behind them. The boxes were travel trailers—they weren’t recreational vehicles in those days, they were actual living quarter for many families.
By the dawn of the ‘50s, “caravans” or travel trailers were starting to catch on as RVs rather than homes. The July 1949 issue of Trail-R-News carried ads from 84 different manufacturers ranging from Admiral to Zimmer. And there were articles in the tiny trade journal featuring even more brands and sales promotions such as Warren Cropp’s stunt of pulling an 18-ft. Traveleze trailer coast-to-coast with a Harley-Davidson motorcycle.
By the ‘60s and ‘70s, other names such as Avion, Comet, Forester, Friendship, Little Chum, Mallard, Serra, Shasta, Sprite, Trailblazer, Trotwood and Yellowstone had entered the business. Those are among the brands that showed up for the 2021 Vintage Trailer Fest at Bear Lake Campground in Manawa, Wis., on Sept. 10-11.
The trailer fest includes a Friday dinner, a Saturday sock hop and other musical entertainment. Participants also sell camping collectibles. Vintage travel trailers are getting very collectible and part of the fun of this hobby is seeing the different models.
Jim and Betty Bevers of Appleton, Wis., found a 1962 Shasta Airflyte in the woods. Jim says it’s 95 percent original, including paint. They pull it with a ‘49 Chevy pickup.
Event info: Call Ryan at 1-920-596-3308. Email: campbearlake@gmail.com or bearlakewi2016@gmail.com. Website: www.bearlakecampground.com.
September 4. Brodhead, Wis. Kaitlyn’s 6th Annual Classic Car Show. On the square. 906 W. Exchange St. 4:30-8 pm. Live DJ. Raffles. Great bars for food and beverages. Free admission. Call 608-426-4819. Email: Cheetahbratz8@hotmail.com.
September 5. Mishicot, Wis. Harpts Lake Car Show. Harpts Lake Beach Bar, 16306 Harpts Lake Rd, Mishicot. 5 pm to 9 pm.
September 8. Saukville, Wis. Saukville in September Car, Truck, Cycle and Vintage Snowmobile Show. Grady Park – Hwy 33. Proceeds to benefit Saukville Fire Department. For information call Lou Paape at 1-262-284-5800 or email pleasantvalleyautobody@yahoo.com.
Sept. 9-11. Mineral Point, Wis. Early Times Chapter Pontiac-Oakland Club International 16th Annual Flathead Reunion for flathead-powered Pontiac, Oakland and GMC vehicles. Headquarters: Quality Inn, 1345 Business Park Rd., Mineral Point, WI. Club activities Thursday and Friday. Car Show on Saturday at Mineral Point High School 10 am – 3 pm. Contact: David Luken at 1-309-314-3870 or dbluken83@gmail.com. Or visit www.earlytimeschapter.org.
September 10. Crivitz, Wis. Auto Cruise North. Leaves fromGateway Bar & Grill, 706 N. Hwy 141 at 6 pm. Call Sharon: 906-792-8164 or email: autojunkiez4vets@yahoo.com.
September 10-11, 2021. La Crosse, Wis. Mississippi Mayhem. A weekend long event that celebrates the cars, music, styles and spirit of a time gone by. Expect to feel as though you are walking down the streets of 1959, just with more tattoos. This modern interpretation of the past will be a crazy infusion of classic car lovers, greasers, car clubs, pin-up girls, bikers, builders, vintage lifestyle enthusiasts, musicians and more. The styles are different, but nostalgia bonds us together. Traditional hot rod and kustom cars mingle merrily with stock classics and maybe a rat rod or two. A reflection of the belief that cars should be built and driven–not bought on a trailer. La Crosse Interstate Fairgrounds, N4985 County Road M – West Salem, WI 5466. Information: Ph: 1-608-612-0129.
September 10-11. Manawa, Wis. Bear Lake’s Fall Vintage Trailer Fest. Bear Lake Campgrounds. Campgrounds open 10 am to 7 pm for spectators to come out and see the vintage RVs and vintage cars and trucks that pull them. Vintage campers, campmobiles and motorhomes, too. Fall Vintage Beach Party Saturday 3 pm to 7pm featuring the John Lambert Duo (on the camper’s beach). Please bring a donation for the Manawa food pantry. Bear Lake Campground, N4715 Hwy 22/110, Manawa, WI 54949. Call: Ryan at 1-920-596-3308. Email: campbearlake@gmail.com or bearlakewi2016@gmail.com. Website: www.bearlakecampground.com.
September 11. Amherst, Wis. Celebrate Amherst Car Show. Behind Amherst Telephone Co. 10 am-4 pm. Contact: Ron at 1-715-572-6249.
September 11. (Rain date Sept. 12) Crivitz, Wis. Veterans Car/Bike Show. Gateway Bar & Grill, 706 N. Hwy 141. 34 trophies: 15 for stock and 15 for modified. Plus, Veteran’s Choice, People’s Choice, Best of Show and Best of Show Motorcycle. Proceeds donated to veterans. Registration ($10) begins at 8 am. Show from 10 am to 2 pm. Music, food, raffles and 50/50 drawings. Booyah sold by Crivitz VFW. Special dedication: 20 Years of 9/11. Call Sharon: 906-792-8164 or email: autojunkiez4vets@yahoo.com.
September 11. Crivitz, Wis. Veterans Car/Bike Show. Gateway Bar & Grill – Hwy 141, 8 am-2 pm. Call Sharon: 906-792-8164 or email: autojunkiez4vets@yahoo.com.
September 11. Chilton, Wis. Crafty AppleFest Car Show. 24 classes with three trophies per class, plus 10 special trophies. Cornerof Oak St & Memorial Dr., Chilton, 8 am– 3 pm. Contact: Chilton Chamber of Commerce, PO Box 122. Chilton, WI 53014. 1-920-418-1650.
September 11. De Pere, Wis. 4th Annual Patrick’s Vintage Automotive Classic Car Show. 1358-A Mid-Valley Drive. 8 am-2pm. 1-920-421-8833.
September 11. Omro, Wis. 37th Annual All Pontiac & GMC Show. Scott Park 515 East Main Street Omro, Wis. Sponsored by the Badger State Chapter of the Pontiac Oakland Club International. Registration 8 am to 12 Noon. $5.00 per car. Todd Zimmerman 920-889-0895 tazimmy@aol.com Derrick Hottenstine 920-284-6938 varsityglfr2@gmail.com.
September 11. Osceola, Wis. 40th Anniversary Wheels & Wings Aircraft and Car Show. Fly-in and pancake breakfast, car and motorcycle show and aviation experience including an on-the-ground display from the Commemorative Air Force and helicopter rides from Ace Helicopters LLC. The Classic Car and Motorcycle Show is managed by Stardust Car Shows with classic cars, customs, vintage hot rods, rat rods, muscle cars, imports, modern classics and more! Gates open at 7, judging starts at 9. Space is limited to 750 entries! Music from the 50’s to current. Your car club can make arrangements to park together. Gates open at 7:30 am. Car and motorcycle show 9 am to 2 pm with awards at 1 pm. Osceola Wheels and Wings, Inc., PO Box 271, Osceola, Wi 54020. Call: 1-715-450-0399. Email: WheelsandWingsOsceola@Gmail.com.
September 17. Wild Rose Car Cruise. Wild Rose, WI. 7:30 am to 3 pm. Starts Friday at 6 pm. Cruise the countryside. Return to Wild Rose for the free street dance in downtown Wild Rose 7:30 til Midnight. For information contact: www.villageofwildrose.com.
September 18. Cruise for Iola. Iola, WI. Flea market, car show and cruise. Pre-registered show cars $5 ($10 on day of Rally). Register for Flea Market before Sept. 1 to secure space. Pre-registered vendors can set up Sept. 17. Others pay $50 and set up morning of Rally. Iola Car Show, 700 E. State Street, PO Box 1, Iola, WI 54945. Visit: www.iolaoldcarshow.com or Call: 1 715 445 4000.
September 18. Wild Rose Car Show. Roseville Mini Golf & Gift Shop Grounds, 1151 Main St. Hwy 22 South, Wild Rose, WI. 7:30 am to 3 pm. Featured car: 1969 Oldsmobile 442 convertible. Classes for cars and trucks. Sizzlin’ Sonny’s Rockin Road Show; kids’ activities; flea market & craft show at Roseville Shops; breakfast and lunch on grounds. Free spectator entry. Car registration 8 am til noon. Contact: www.villageofwildrose.com.
September 18. Saukville, Wis. 33rd Annual Saukville in September Car, Truck, Cycle, Vintage Snowmobile Show. Grady Park – Hwy. 33. FriendsofSFD@aol.com.
September 18. Cross Plains, Wis. 38th Annual Hill & Valley Antique Auto & Americana Show. Classes for cars, trucks and tractors. 22-mile Model T Tour. Free spectator entry. Car registration $10. Contact: John Riley at (608) 770-5646 (john@sullivandesignbuild.com), or Don Chandler at (608) 513-8254 or (608) 798-3040.
September 18. Wautoma, WI. Yoder Fall Classic Car Auction. W. Yoder Auction, LLC, N2494 Yoder Lane, Wautoma, WI Live an online auction. Starts at 9 am. To consign a car or to arrange to bid call 1-920-787-5549 or 1-920-295-2644. This is a live auction where you can bid in person, live online or prebid online. If you are a Wisconsin resident purchasing a vehicle all Wisconsin vehicles must have license plates to leave the lot. W. Yoder Auction, LLC is a licensed Wisconsin dealership and will administer temporary plates. Sales tax, title and licensing fees applied. Website: www.wyoderauction.com.
September 18. Mayville, Wis. Classic Car & Tractor Show Food Drive. Trinity Community Center, N6409 Hwy. 10 am to 2 pm. Admission FREE but please donate food item/cash to the “Community Pantry” 920-209-7705.
September 18. Oconto, Wis. Oconto Fly-In Car Show. 2983 Airport Road. 9 am–4 pm.
Opening Ceremony Honoring our Veterans at 10 am. Huge car show. Antique tractors. Youth activities & adventures. Military displays & encampment. Vendors from the community. Radio-controlled planes and airshow. Variety of food vendors, music and large tent with picnic tables. Yaks fly-over and display. TBM Avenger display and rides. Plane rides. Warbird display. Free for 12 and under and those that fly-in; $5 for all other ages that walk or drive in. For car show information call 1-920-834-3154 or email ocontoflyin@gmail.com.
September 18, Sturgeon Bay, Wis. Harvest Fest Car Show. 3rd Ave. downtown Sturgeon Bay. 8 am-3 pm. Trophies to the “Door County Dozen”,
plus Major Sponsor Trophies Awards Presentation: 3:00 p.m. Dash plaques to first 275 vehicles. Music 9 am-3 pm. Amvets Presentation of Colors and National Anthem 10:00 am. Great door prizes given out throughout the day. For information contact: (oldboltscarclub@gmail.com).
September 18. Green Bay, Wis. American Antiques ‘Wheels’ Car Show. 2545 W. Mason St. 10 am-2 pm. Email: kathryn@aaandj.com or call 1-920-498-0111.
September 19. Appleton, Wis. 1st Annual The BAR Car Show. The BAR Appleton- Lynndale. 11 am-2 pm. Call for details: (920) 954-0888.
September 19. Beloit, Wis. 45th Autorama. Town of Beloit Preservation Park on Rock River 4 miles North of Beloit, Wis. on Highway 51. Over 1250 participant show cars. 130 vehicles for sale in Car Corral. 300 swap meet spaces. 8am-4pm. www.beloitautorama.com.
September 19. Denmark, Wis. 62nd Annual Our Savior Fall Fest Car Show. 435 Wisconsin Ave. 9 am-2 pm. Contact: Steve Mathis 1 920-366-1034.
September 19. Green Bay, Wis. Adventist Academy Car Show. 1422 Shawano Ave. 8am-2 pm. Free admission. Food, fun, silent auction and bake sale. All proceeds help out the academy. There will be a kid’s choice award.
September 19. Pulaski, Wis. Mountain Bay Plaza Car Show. Hwy. 32. 8 am – 3 pm. Ph: 1-920-822-5111.
September 19. St. Mary’s Catholic Church. Hwy 45 Marion, Wis. Car Show. 22 classes for cars, trucks, motorcycles and tractors. Free spectator entry. Car registration $5. 8 am to 2:30 pm. Information: 715-754-2028, 715-754-5083 or 715-250-0702.
September 24, 2021. Appleton, Wis. License to Cruise. Downtown on College Ave. 6 pm to 9:30 pm. Free spectator admission. Classic cars displayed up and down the avenue. Music, bands and DJ’s. Over 100 food vendors. Non-automotive Octoberfest activities carry on Saturday. Contact: Fox Cities Chamber of Commerce. Email: info@foxcitieschamber.com or Kgreiner@foxcitieschamber.com. Ph: 1-920-734-7101.
September 24-26, 2021. Jefferson, Wis. 43 Annual Fall Jefferson Automotive Swap Meet & Car Show at Jefferson Co. Fair Park. Large Car Corral, now online. Car show (Saturday & Sunday only). Featuring Trucks all makes models welcome. Madison Classics, P.O. Box 7414, Madison Wi. 53707, 608-244-8416, www.madisonclassics.com.
September 25. Zoobilee Car Show. Bruemer Park Zoo. Kewaunee, Wis. 8 am to 2 pm. $5 pre-registration; $10 day of show. Sponsored by Jorn’s Chevrolet. Ph: 920-449-4742. 10 car classes, kids’ activities, arts & crafts vendors, food vendors, 50/50 raffle.
September 25. Hilbert, Wis. Officials Den Car Show. 408 N.8th St (Hwy 57). 9 am-2pm. Ph: 1-920-871-4023.
September 25. Wrightstown, Wis. Fall Fest Car Show. Mueller Park, 600 Washington St. 11 am–2pm. Information: Village Hall, 352 High St., Wrightstown, WI 54180. Ph: 1-920-532-5567.
September 26. Fond du Lac, Wis. ‘F’ Troop Cruise In. 325 Winnebago Ave. 9 am-3 pm. Located at Second Impression Thrift Store 325 Winnebago Dr. (east of A&W Drive-in). Free admission! Hosted by “F” Troop Auto Club. Contact: Fay Boelke 1-920-907-9900. Website: www.secondimpressionsfdl.com.
September 26. Green Lake, Wis. Jack Taylor Memorial Car Show. Harvest Fest. Downtown. Corner of Mill & Hill Sts. 7 am-3 pm. www.visitgreenlake.com. 920-294-3231.
October 2. Bowler, Wis. North Star Stars, Cars & Handlebars. North Star Mohican Casino Resort. W12180 CR-A. Registration: 9 am-11:30 am. Show time and food trucks: 9 am-4 pm. Judging until 2 pm. Awards: 4 pm. Special appearance by Danny Koker from the hit show “Counting Cars.” He will be signing autographs from 1-2 pm. Count’s 77 Concert in the Orion Event Center after car show at 6 pm. Free admission to car show; motorcycles welcome. Judged show. Top 3 in each class. New this year: Swap meet and flea market. 15–20-mile cruise to follow show. Must be 21 or over to attend entertainment events inside the casino. Marie Collom 715-787-2536.
October 2. Green Bay, Wis. Banana Peeler Rat Rod & Traditional Hot Rod Show. 3927 Lily Lake Rd. 10 am-4 pm. Banana seat bicycles featured. Excellent raffle prizes. Great food. Exclusive kids’ Hot Wheels play area.
Feb 20, 2022. West Bend, Wis. Greater Milwaukee Indoor Winter Swap Meet. Washington County Fairgrounds, 3000 City. Hwy PV. Vicki 262-337-0426