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Home / Out & About Wisconsin Event Extras / Willy Porter coming to Amherst Feb. 1

Willy Porter coming to Amherst Feb. 1

The Jensen Community Center in Amherst is excited to bring back Willy Porter in an intimate solo show on Saturday, Feb. 1, at 7 p.m. A social hour before the performance will begin at 6 p.m. with small bites for purchase by the Iola Mills café and a cash bar by the Jensen Community Center.

Willy Porter is one of those artists who was lucky to find what he loves to do at an early age and quietly
settle in for the long haul, expanding and developing his work over the arc of a lifetime. He has followed
his own path to explore the sacred language that music truly is. Thirty years after his solo recording debut, he continues to reach further into his guitar and pen while stretching the form of what his own music can be. In September 2023, he released his 13th full length album, “The Ravine”.

Porter continues on a musical and personal odyssey spanning over two decades, 13 albums, and multiple continents. His journey has been defined by an inquisitive love for humanity and the language that describes what we all hold to be true. Porter’s songs weave a universal perspective about the questions, struggles, and triumphs of human existence. His live shows are guitar-driven grit, soul, silence, and muscle – at times electrifying, dynamic, and unique in the way that Porter’s voice blends and fuses with his fret work.

A largely self-taught musician, Porter began treating audiences to his brand of guitar playing and wry
storytelling in the late ‘80s while living in Madison. In 1990, he released his first full-length independent
album, “The Trees Have Soul”, and the touring life has flowed steadily ever since. Porter has literally
logged millions of miles across America, Canada, the UK, and Europe, touring solo, as well as with various incarnations of the Willy Porter Band and in support of artists like Tori Amos, Paul Simon, Jethro Tull, Sting, and Jeff Beck.

This intimate solo show will be preceded by a social hour starting at 6 p.m. featuring small bites for purchase by the Iola Mills café and a cash bar by the Jensen Community Center.

Tickets $25 in advance/$35 at the door – click here to order!

For more information, contact The Jensen Community Center at (715) 824-5202.
